What If You Were Only 90 Days Away From
Retaining More Than Half The Endo You Currently Refer Out Of Your Practice?

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The game changing GP training designed to help you master routine endo so you can maximize your practice revenue & stop reaching for that referral pad.
The game changing GP training designed to help you master routine endo so you can maximize your practice revenue & stop reaching for that referral pad.


The business of dentistry is changing daily!

While every GP would love to fill their schedule with crown and bridge, we all know there’s a cap for how much you can diagnose and convert to treatment. It's time to take the specialty procedures that you’re already diagnosing and referring out & learn what it takes to retain and perform these cases yourself! 

This 90 Day Program will teach you everything you need to know in minutes... not semesters.

If you’re like most GPs I talk to

there are a few key hang ups when it comes to endo.

Which one hits home?


The thought of endo is overwhelming.

Cases seem complicated, time consuming & you feel defeated even before getting started. Dental school speciality instructors have convinced you not to bother, but to just give up & reach for the referral pad.


You think a microscope is the standard of care.

Endodontic treatment has been performed without a microscope for 170 years. While the microscope is useful for complex cases, loupes and proper illumination are more than adequate for routine endo.


You're afraid of causing pain or tackling complications.

You’d love to take your patient out of pain but you’ve been conditioned by instructors & endo colleagues who have over complicated & hoarded knowledge for the sake of maintaining referrals.

I'm Dr. Granados, Endodontist

As a specialist you wouldn't believe how many straightforward cases are referred my way. These cases light me up because they require little effort & command some of the highest revenue per minute of chair time.

I know my endo colleagues would love to keep this information under lock & key but I’m passionate about sharing this with you because there are TOO MANY GPs STRUGGLING as the business of dentistry is changing rapidly.

Reimbursement rates are declining so you have to see more patients in less time. Mid level providers are just around the corner and GPs NEED to expand services & perform speciality procedures to stay busy. You’re giving away straightforward cases that you could be keeping in your practice - making your patients happier & increasing your practice revenue more than $100K per year.

With the clinically relevant didactic information, hand selected live case demos and step by step systems that I’ve crafted for you, this all inclusive training program is going to transform you into a Super GP in just 90 days.

Using the Power Up Endo Method, you’ll learn step by step how to handle every routine endo case with intention & confidence.

Imagine if you could...

  • Retain 3-4 straightforward endo cases in your practice per week​
  • Scale your time so efficiently that you could maximize your productivity in the office in fewer hours and start enjoying more time out of the office
  • Be the go to Doctor in your practice for endo and all of your partners booked their cases into your schedule because you’re so good at it
  • Finally be the Super GP you always knew you would be


 The game changing GP training designed to help you master routine endo so you can
maximize your practice revenue & stop reaching for that referral pad.

Let’s be real:

You're busy with patients and don't have the time to take yet another boring & expensive CE course.
Sure, there’s a level of commitment when it comes to powering up your career - the 90 Day Super GP program includes 10+ hours of content. But that doesn't mean it has to be stuffy or that you can’t have fun doing it! Get ready to learn everything you need to know in minutes... not semesters!

Every lesson contains only THE MOST CLINICALLY RELEVANT, ultra practical information designed to revolutionize your practice and career with zero unnecessary minutiae. Just 1 hour per week will CHANGE YOUR LIFE as a GP forever!


90 Day Super GP requires a commitment of just 1 hour per week (or faster if you prefer to binge watch) & can be accessed through your phone or desktop for total convenience. Each lesson delivers the most practical, clinically relevant information.

When you grab one of our limited spots, you’ll get access to…

Weekly Group Coaching Calls with 
Dr. Granados

No matter where you are in our 90 Day Super GP program, you can always hop onto our weekly group coaching call to get your questions answered or have the opportunity to share in live case reviews with Dr. Granados and your GP peers.

Live Case Demos for Straight Forward Endo

From slam dunk anterior cases to that big bad upper molar with an MB2, Dr. Granados will walk you through every single step as if you’re right there in the operatory together. The course contains nine case demos for every type of straight forward endo case you might see in your practice.


Makes Endo Feel Like Your
Favorite Video Game

When Dr. Granados first began practicing endo, he likened the experience to playing video games. After thousands of cases he created an easy to follow framework to keep you on pace and on track during every root canal procedure.

The Power Up Endo mindset is engaging, easy to understand and will simplify all the steps needed to complete your next endo case quickly and successfully.

Zero Fluff, No Minutiae

Imagine an entire semester of didactic instruction but only what you absolutely need to know and none of the fluff.

90 Day Super GP covers all of the theory with relevant supporting evidence so you can understand endodontics as a General Dentist - explained in a way that's not intentionally over complicated but instead empowers you to perform your own endo cases.

Rockstar Anesthesia, Every Single Time

Every Super GP knows that pain interruptions slow down your workflow and lead to negative patient experiences and reviews. That’s why as part of the 90 Day Super GP program, I’ll teach you to deliver bullet proof anesthesia.

You’ll learn exactly which anesthetic to use, how much to use and the reliable techniques to perform consistent anesthesia, every single time - even for those hot lower molars! 


designed to Power Up your endo game!



  • Bonus 1: Relieving Endo Pain on a Time Crunch Bonus
  • Bonus 2: One vs. Two Visit Endo Treatment
  • Bonus 3: Coding & Fees to Maximize Reimbursement
  • Bonus 4: How to Schedule Your Endo Cases Bonus
  • ​Bonus 5: Choosing a Rotary System That Works For You
For real. Here’s a snapshot of our Stripe account from our most recent launch: 
And if you’re like, “Okay cool, but I’m not you. It won’t work for me because I’m just starting out / don’t have a niche yet / don’t have an email list / etc.”...

… check out what this process has done for our students who are just like you:
That's Jordan, a recent bootcamp participant of ours who teaches fly fishing and reached out after using the secret ingredients taught inside our bootcamp...

Within 5 minutes of making his offer, he had sold over $4,000 of online course sales!

Or what about Joy Foster who helps women build online technical skills so they can return to work or change careers...
After making a few key changes to her $2,000 program, she went on to have her biggest promotion bringing in over 100 new customers!

She also used our killer promotion strategy, but more on that later...

Or how about Magnus Zetterlund who teaches people how to play the mandolin..
He's a recent member of our annual coaching program and that's him posting in our private Slack community.

We walked him through using the same ingredients you will learn in this bootcamp and he went on to make $22,902 in his first promotion!

Basically, we know a thing or two about helping people like you tap into the thriving online, multi-billion dollar online education industry and get paid for what you already know. 

Sound like something you’re into? Keep on readin’, friend. 


Here’s the thing: 90 Day Super GP is designed to revolutionize your practice and career,
not meet your state dental boards minimum CE requirement (and bore you to tears).
The truth is, straightforward endo is far more straightforward than your local endodontist wants you to believe and it commands some of the highest revenue per minute of your chair time. We are all feeling it - the business of dentistry is changing rapidly.

Reimbursement rates are declining so you have to see more patients in less time. Mid level providers are just around the corner and GPs need to expand services & perform speciality procedures to stay busy. You’re giving away straightforward, high revenue cases and this has to stop!



90 Day Super GP

Game Changing GP Training from the comfort of home
  • - Get Instant Access to Course - 10+ hours of content
  • - 9 self study modules including LIVE case demonstrations
  • - 5 value packed bonuses
  • - 12 Weekly Coaching Calls with Dr. Granados Sept 13 - Dec 6, 2022 // Join Live on Tuesdays @7PM EST or watch the replays
  • - 5 downloadable resources
  • - 1 year access to training modules
  • - Earn 10 credits for the training program and the opportunity to earn an additional 12 credits by attending the 12 live group coaching calls (22 Credits Total) 
90 Day Super GP PLUS

Game Changing GP Training IN PERSON!
  • Private In Person Training
  • - 3 day visit from Dr. Granados to your office (USA only)
  • - 1 day of hands on training for both GP and Asst. 
  • - 2 days of in person patient cases in your office
  • - 18 CE Credits for in office training 

  • 90 Day Super GP Training Program
  • - Get Instant Access to Course - 10+ hours of content 
  • - 9 self study modules including LIVE case demonstrations
  • - 5 value packed bonuses
  • - 12 Weekly Coaching Calls with Dr. Granados
  • - 5 downloadable resources
  • - 1 year access to training modules
  • - Earn 10 credits for the training program and the opportunity to earn an additional 12 credits by attending the 12 live group coaching calls (22 Credits Total)
Power Up Endo
 is a Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by
any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023.
Provider ID# 408300

You've Got Questions, We've Got Answers!

How much can I really gain from an online course?
We take pride in delivering value that far exceeds the dollar cost and time commitment to YOU! It’s tough out there in the dentisting world and we want you to thrive and become the Super GP you always dreamed you could be. We purposefully limit the theory and mechanisms to only deliver the goods -- clinically relevant training material that will change your practice immediately.
Are you Sponsored with a Dental Supplier?
Power Up Endo is independent from corporate bias and influence. All materials and techniques are “real world” solutions used in clinical practice by Dr. Granados and free from outside interference
Will I earn CE Credit?
YES! You will earn 1 CE Credit for each hour completed - there are a total of 10 credits for the training program and the opportunity to earn an additional 12 credits by attending the 12 live group coaching calls.  Power Up Endo
 is a nationally approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by
any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023.
Provider ID# 408300

Where is the training happening?
90 Day Super GP will be available for instant access when you join today - the lessons are designed to be super convenient and easily fit into your busy schedule. Join from your phone or desktop for just one hour per week (or faster if you prefer to binge watch!) and Super GP will CHANGE YOUR LIFE as a GP forever.


If you're sick and tired of trying and not getting results...

If you've ever thought "I thought I'd be further ahead by now"...

If you're fed up with corporate backed CE whose purpose is to push their products for every clinical scenario...

If you’ve ever wished that you could have an all-access pass to a Specialist who truly wanted to EMPOWER YOU instead of hoarding knowledge to maintain referrals -- this is the course for you!

So.. you in?

Copyright © 2021 Power Up Ace, LLC. All Rights Reserved.